September Shareholders Meeting

Meeting September 28th

The Annual Shareholder Meeting will be held at 10 am this Saturday at the Community Building on the corner of Deer and Coldwater. We will be answering any questions you may have about the Fluoride Mitigation Project. We hope to see you all there.

BOD image

Since 1973

Welcome to PPEMMC

Pinon Pines Estates Mutual Water Company is committed to providing shareholders with the highest quality and most cost-effective water services while preserving public health, protecting environment, and ensuring the utmost in customer satisfaction.

Water is our most valuable shared resource and together we can keep it that way for generations to come


Meetings and Agendas

Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm.  Please check the board for updates.

Meetings are held at the Community Building:

1001 Coldwater Drive
(Corner of Deer Trail)

Meeting Agendas & Meeting Minutes

Quarterly Updates & Consumer Confidence Reports


Information and Resources:

CA Drinking Water Watch Website:
Public information regarding our water system from the State Water Resource Control Board

PPEMWC Governing Documents:

Contacts and Payments

Bookkeeping Phone: (661) 245-4003
Online Account & Payments click here

Main Phone: (661) 245-4420

Emergency Contact List


Mailing Address:
1467 Tecuya Dr
Frazier Park, CA 93225

Maintenance Office:
1001 Coldwater Dr

Payment Options:

  1. Cash or check accepted in drop box at Maintenance Office.
  2. Pay with Credit or Debit Cards Online
  3. Mail your payment to:
    Pinon Pines Water Company
    1467 Tecuya Dr
    Frazier Park, CA 93225
  4. Zelle bank to bank payment. Call or text (661) 245-4003 for instructions.

PPEMWC Board Members:

  • Brandon Grosh, President:
    (661) 295-4900
  • Bill Vanek, Vice President:
  • Debbie Smith, Secretary:
    (818) 591-1089
  • Dave Hymes, Treasurer
    (661) 399-7307
  • Roger Huff, At Large:
    (818) 438-3978

Other Numbers:


For all Home Owners Association Issues please call:
PMP Management (661) 295-4900
Or visit

Emergency Contact List
In the event of a “water emergency” please make contact with someone on this list:

Lee Charles “Chuck” Winagura, General Manager:
(661) 245-4420

Santa Carruth, Bookkeeper:
(661) 245-4003

If you have a billing issue this is the number to call

Brandon Grosh, Board President:
(661) 295-4900

Kern County Sheriff’s Dispatch Line:
(661) 861-3110

Please call to report theft or vandalism

Kern County Fire Department Station 57:
(661) 245-3706

For Fire or Safety issues